Magnetic Engineers
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What you find Here ?
Here you will find Information about electrical laws , thoery and information related to electrical Engineering . We also cover the elctrical project and their deatils, how project started and material used in a particular project and material specification before it used at site. Complete material specification used electrical Distribution project i.e up to 11 KV line, Distrubution transformer and LT line (On conductor , AB Cable and UG (underground Cable)
Here in this section, you find computer related information, Basic information of Hardware system and MS office fuction and their command frequently used in our work.This will smooth your work and help you in growing your carrer.
Here in this section your find very intersted fact that will grow your General knowledge and as well as technical knowledge. We covers History knowledge with their pic and interested knowledge related to social life. And also covers technical revolution around the world with their complete details with usefull information