How to earn online

How to Earn money Online from Freelancing ?

What is Freelancer ?

Freelancer is an Individual who earns money for a specified job for a time period.Most benefit of become a freelancer is to work from home or any work place with time flexibilty. Freedom to work anytime and anywhere.

How to earn online

Freelancers are independent usally signed a agreement to to a job on mutually agreed fee with defined time . This fee may be on basis of working hours, a day or basis of work time completion.

What are the different type of Freelancers ?

There are mutliple work in freelancing on depending nature of work.Below mentioned work are comed under freelancing work.

  1. Graphic Designing
  2. Marketing of product
  3. Financial work
  4. Wrtiting on a project.
  5. Photography and video recording
  6. Data Entry Basis
  7. Software programming and error reftifier’
  8. website designing

How to become freelancer ?

Becoming a Freelancer is easy way to find out work online over the online platforms. We can check out mutiple site providing freelancer work online.Below are some sites from where you can get freelancing work.

  1. Fiverr
  2. 99Designs
  3. Upwork

1) Fiverr

Fiverr is the world’s biggest market place where a freelancer can get freelancing work according to work nature, according to your area of interest and knowledge.There is many works in different category to work with Fiverr. from here client can check review of freelancer with his past worked.

2) 99designs

99designs is a  market where you can get all you branding requirement.Actually from this place from where we can hire or get work from web designer.

3) Freelancer

Freelancer is also a oldest and famous platoform for freelancing. Here clients post there work as per their requirement and feelancer can choose project according to their knowledge and can bid on the project.

Freelancer site

4) Upwork

Upwork is a global freelancing platform where businesses and professional freelancers connect and work. The company has over 2 million skilled freelancers from around the world providing services in 100s of service categories.



Today you can earn from also from uploading videos on youtube.Milllions of people earning from youtube. You has its own criteria to start earn. When you fulfill to basic criteria given Youtube then   can earn from youtube. Create a attractive videos who like by people and got famous and earn.

How to get freelancer work ?

You can get to try the following steps to get the work.


  1. Decide the area/services in which you want to work.
  2. Serach the websites provinding the work in which you ineterested or want to do work.
  3. Confirm your working rate and time.
  4. Create your profile according to your area of field in which you work. That will helps you to find out the work related to your working field.

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