How to increase your computer speed

How to increase speed of your computer or Laptop ?

How to increase speed of your Computer or Laptop ?

Hello Friends

When ever you purchase a computer or Laptop you will see speed of your system (Computer/Laptop) will go slower with time. And you will start facing issue like speeed of hang of your system. Then how to increase speed of your system. To know this trick read complete article. it will help you lot.

Update your windows on time.

Friends we know to operate our Laptop or computer we use a operating system we usally called it windows. Its our responsibility to update our window time to time. As there is alwaye too much bug issue that will resolve just after updating of Windows.

How to Update windows 10 ?

To Update your window, just type update in your window search option as shown below.

Search in window 10

And you will see “Check for updates”. Just click on it You will see below window image

Update window

If your sysyem up to dated then “OK”. Otherwise you can check latest update to download and install.

This Step help you to increase speed of your window as well as system.

Stop Apps running in background.

As mutiple apps always runs in our mobile as they start automalically depends upon our mobile setting. There is also mutiple app working in background of our system. Because running apps are always using “RAM” and our “hard Drives” to operate.

To stop them Follow below step

Type “Background App” in window search bar, below window will you see there and click on app and close the app you not requireBackground App

Or you can click on task bar and run task manager and close unwanted app or unused App as shown below.


Task Manager

Close Starts up Apps:

In The latest window some apps are start up automatically with start up of window. Even these helps our system to speed up, but when we have not requirement of this app we can close them.

Just type “Start up” as shown below in image and you can closed unwanted auto start up programs and their setting

Window start up app

Add or Remove unwanted Software/App.

You can check Software/App that are not required in your system and installed. Beacuse these app are used unwanted space and create a burden in our system.

Used updated Antivirus / Why use antivirus in computer/laptop:

As Multiple net using, data transfer may attacks malware of virus in our system. So it is mandory to use Up to dated Antivirus in your system to avoid attack of Virus. Because Virus down the speed of our speed as well as corrupt our Data

Why use Antivirus

Reset your system

If any above solution not working on your system and you want your system just like new syetem then you can “RESET” your system or Install new window in your system if your system become unstable.

Reset laptop

“Hope Above Article will helps you”
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