different part of transformer

Transformer Oil

Which Transformer Oil is used in transformer ? Why it is used ?

What is transformer oil ? Transformer is a special type oil having very good insulating and high stability of temperature. Transformer oil is used in oil filled transformer as a coolant and insulating material. Type of Transformer oil ! Parrafin based transformer oil Naphtha based transformer oil Transformer oil properties What are Electrical properties of […]

Which Transformer Oil is used in transformer ? Why it is used ? Read More »

Different part of a transformer

What is Electrical Transfomer ? what are different part of the transformer ?

What is Electrical Transformer ? Electrical transformer is a static device, which transfer energy from one circuit to anotner circuit either steps up or step down the votlage without changing the frequecy level. Its works on the basis of mutual induction phenomenon that relate to faraday law of electromagnetic induction. Which transformer is Increasing th

What is Electrical Transfomer ? what are different part of the transformer ? Read More »